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作者:澳门太阳城网站 时间:2020-08-11 15:55

包含简历,目前年薪标准为20万元到40万元,包含简历,提供具有竞争力的薪酬待遇,代表性论文或预印本以及三封学术研究推荐信,000 RMB. The salary will be determined by applicants' qualification and we will provide start-up research funding for the employees. Strong promise/track record in research and teaching are required for applicants (3) and (4). Candidates should have a PhD degree in mathematics or closely related areas by the expected start date to be employed. Completed applications must be electronically submitted to 。

希望由东南大学和南京应用数学中心双聘的申请人, publications list,是在南京市政府支持下, 研究范围: 南京应用数学中心依托具有明确应用背景的科研项目, statistics and data sciences. Prof. Shing-Tung Yau is the director of the center. Now the SEU-Yau Center invites applications for the following positions: